Can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game
Can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game

can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game

The oil company now has an outside contractor come in to frac the well. This involves a lot of waiting for someone to ask a question, and playing solitaire. One "company man" from the actual oil company sits in a trailer on site to monitor the work. all of it belongs to other subcontractors. the oil rig, the drill pipe, the workers. The oil company leases the ground being drilled on. Typically all of this work is done by contractors. We'll start with a well that is drilled, cased (casing is a solid-steel pipe all or some of the depth of the well, used to keep "stuff from coming in, or stuff from coming out"), and perforated (holes shot through the casing with explosives). Background: I was in well testing, and have been to many a fracked well during/before/after the frac was performed. I've been out of the industry for many (many) years, but here's a bit on how problems can creep in with well fracing. We, as do you, look forward the to completion of the ongoing investigations to fully determine the impacts and appropriate responses." "Anything that casts aspersions on that reputation disturbs us greatly. 'We have a 125-year reputation for sound, unbiased science," Groat said in written testimony submitted to the panel. Between 19, three USGS scientists working on water infiltration projects for the proposed Yucca Mountain facility exchanged emails revealing that they had altered or outright falsified the results of their research to produce desired outcomes.Īt the hearing, Groat declined to discuss the e-mails in detail pending inspector general investigations. Geological Survey chief resigned Thursday, but a spokeswoman said his departure has nothing to do with the ongoing investigation into e-mails that indicate his agency's employees may have falsified data on the Yucca Mountain project. Geological Survey (USGS ) resigned as Director on June 17, 2005. So once again he is asked to resign due to a controversy but maintains he was leaving anyway.want to bet that there will be a scandal at the "Water Institute of the Gulf" (his new gig) in a year or two?īelow from a posting on by 'DoryHippauf 'Ĭharles Groat Director of the U.S. PAI also said conclusions of the original report were 'tentative,' that the press coverage was 'inappropriately selective' and 'seemed to suggest that public concerns were without scientific basis and largely resulted from media bias.' This study was also covered by Slashdot via MSNBC quoting Groat and calling fracking safe in theory but not in practice." PAI said the original report was 'based on literature surveys, incident reports and conjecture' and criticized UT's press from downplaying the many caveats.

can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game

After the Public Accountability Initiative gave the UT report a thorough beating for failing to mention this it sparked UT to recommend the report's withdrawal. The reason is that Groat served on the board of a drilling company and received compensation totaling over $1.5 million from that entity over the last five years including time he spent writing the study.

can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game

Raymond Orbach, the head of UT's Energy Institute. Charles 'Chip' Groat, lead author of a study claiming there was no link between fracking and water contamination, has resigned at the University of Texas along with Dr.

Can you stop the terrorist attacks in papers please game